Our Mission

We’re passionate about delivering high quality clinical services through innovative, sustainable, and ethical ways, with a commitment to patients by reducing NHS costs and tackling waiting lists.

How are Health Now helping clear
the back log within the NHS?

In this video, our clinical lead for cardiology, Dr Francesco Lo Monaco, explains how we are helping to clear the back log within the NHS using clinical insourcing. Learn more about Health Now

“We have worked with Health now for a few years now where they have been supporting us to reduce our waiting lists over several diagnostic modalities. It is great working with this team.”

- Walsall NHS Trust

“I have no hesitation in recommending the team at Health Now. In the Cardiology department we were in a difficult position with a backlog of patients awaiting an echo.”

- Leicester NHS Trust

“I was thrilled with the service and the accomplishment for our department and in their understanding of our requirements and how quickly to get to the desired result.”

- Bolton NHS Trust

Delivering high quality, clinical services through innovative and ethical ways.

We provide exceptional clinical delivery to the NHS through operating a patient-centred model of clinical insourcing that reduces waiting lists, improves patient access, and provides real savings to the NHS.

The elective care treatment areas where we provide clinical insourcing services, include:

Benefits of Partnering With Us

As an approved framework supplier to the NHS we supply the clinicians who help keep the nation healthy. Please see below some of the many advantages of partnering with us.

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